a new twist

we were invited for supper at our new neighbours, Matt and Andrea (WANOLJ). Very nice evening, with another three couples who (obviously) we hadn’t met before.

after we’d eaten, I asked Helen if she’d like to come and meet the cats, as we’d been talking about them. And so it transpired that, rather than the ladies leaving the room after dinner, we all left the house 🙂 And spent about 45 minutes in our gaff, admiring cats and nattering.

I wonder if it could be a new trend …

we returned to find the chaps drinking, and talking bollox; so that never changes.

4 thoughts on “a new twist”

  1. Hi Sweetie, I just wanted to come by and wish you a Happy Belated Birthday! I am so so sorry I missed it, I’ve been so crazy/busy and then I got sick and fell way behind in my birthday wishing : ) I hope it was wonderful and full of love!

    Here’s to your having the best new birth year ever!

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Mac : )
    Happy Birthday to you

    Great big loving hugs from your LJ pal,

    PS: Here’s your horoscope for this week from Rob Brezny’s Free Will Astrology;

    SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

    “Dear Rob: Thanks for your ongoing attempts to burn away negative stereotypes about us Scorpios. Here’s more fuel for your fire: I’m not perfect, nor do I aspire to be so. Perfection is a form of death. I’m grateful for my demons because in the worst of times they’re my allies, and in the best of times they’re the measure of my accomplishments. I don’t seek truth, I seek reason. Truth is relative and found only by consensus, while reason is irreducible and adamantine. When in the presence of other people, I try to locate the soul essence I can’t see with my eyes. It’s good practice for my main hobby, which is to locate the soul essence in myself. If these habits make me obsessed, intense, and inscrutable, so be it. -Scorpio to the Nth Degree.” Dear Scorpio: I’m publishing your letter because it’s an ideal time for all Scorpios to meditate on your wild ideas.

    This next piece is from Rob’s new book: PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings. I like the thought and wanted to share it with you for your birthday.

    A thousand years from today, everyone you know will be long dead and forgotten. There’ll be nothing left of the life you love, no evidence that you ever walked this planet. That, at least, is what the fundamentalist materialists would have you believe. But suppose the truth is very different? What if in fact every little thing you do subtly alters the course of world history? What if your day-to-day decisions will actually help determine how the human species navigates its way through the epic turning point we’re living through? And finally, what if you will be alive in a thousand years, reincarnated into a fresh body and in possession of the memories of the person you were back in this era? These are my hypotheses. These are my prophecies. Which is why I say: Live as if your soul is eternal.

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