breaking with tradition

every year, towards the end of December, I buy a bag of cranberries. I don’t know why – I don’t like cranberry sauce, and anyway, we always eat goose for our festive dinner, but there you go; it’s part of the Christmas Tradition.

and so, towards the end of February, we generally have an equally traditional Throwing Away of the Cranberries (Mouldy).

but this year, things were different. I found this recipe for Christmas Morning Muffins, and I did indeed make them for Christmas morning, and they were delicious, and we snarfed the lot. And then I made some more a couple of weeks later.

earlier this week, I discovered the last of the cranberries at the back of the fridge, and last night we made *more muffins* with them. And now they are all gone (the cranberries, that is; there are still some muffins left), and I have none to throw away in a week’s time. I’m quite sad about that in a way, but I think now I can move on, don’t you?

5 thoughts on “breaking with tradition”

  1. Mmmm yummy, especially with marmalade 🙂 I’m confused though – the recipe used dried cranberries. Were you using fresh ones?

    Oh and, and, I’ve been meaning ask you for a while… what’s the situation with using Nibblous as a repository for favourite recipes from cookbooks? I thought I might use it to keep my commonly-used receipts together but I wasn’t sure if there would be a copyright issue.

    1. yes, I used fresh. I love dried cranberries, mind.

      as for the books, I add them to the bookshelf (easy enough – just feed in the ISBN), and then link to them in the recipe entry. So far nobody seems to mind 🙂

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