a good birthday present ..

well, it was and it wasn’t, really. Tough decision.

we had a cat – Molly – a silver tabby Maine Coon, who we got at the same time as Aliss and Zool. They were all born on the same day, and Aliss and Moll are litter twins. They came to us in August 1999.

all went swimmingly for, oh, a couple of years. We have many photographs of heaps of cats including a beautiful, chocolate box grey tufty girl. Then …

standards are slipping …

I opened a bottle of Premier Cru Chablis tonight (well, it is my half century today ..), and it had a *plastic cork*. I’m sure lots of people will tell me these are better for all sorts of reasons, but I don’t like them.

we’re not doing anything to celebrate my birthday today – we have a *major* site launch to be ready by Wednesday morning, and I woke up with a very painful chest, which is turning itself into a nassty cold.

but we shall have friends round on Friday, then off to dinner on Saturday with cdc and Liz, WANOLJ, and then over to Ciren on Sunday to collect a kitten cage from valkyrie_k and landsmand.

so tonight is a mega takeaway from the Chinese that delivers (god bless ’em) and a DVD or summat, before dragging my sniffly self off to an early grave^H^H^H^H^H bed. No presents – himself and I don’t do birthday/dead prophet’s day presents, preferring to a) eschew the commercialism, and b) buy what we want when we want it (if we can afford it, of course).

oh, before I go, one of my birthday cards from perlmonger was a “Congratulations on the Arrival of Twins” thing.

no, I’m not pregnant – but TWO arrive at the beginning of December, god help us.

right then – now to write up the extraordinary thing that happened today.

my evening meal

no 1 in an occasional series.

I like rissotto. I don’t like standing over the cooker, ladling hot stock from one pan to another. And so, although I know the name of D**** Smith is anathema to many, she does have a recipe for a more than adequate oven baked rissotto. Hers is made with mushrooms, and is very good – she’d no doubt be very vexed to find that someone is deviating from it …

anyway, here it is

the cupboard from hell

for some time now – well, about a fortnight – I have had an urge to Bake A Cake. Lord knows why … although I’m a slightly better than competent cook, I’m absolutely useless at the patisserie side of things. I don’t even have any cake recipe books.

this inexplicable urge has been accompanied by a yearning to make bread; not with the breadmaking machine which is currently languishing in the loft (because we don’t actually *eat* much bread), but the real thing – mixing and kneading and proving and all that.

in a mad fit last weekend, we attempted a sourdough starter – this is currently festering in a container on top of the fridge. Red organic grapes in a muslin bag, flour and water. It looks vile at the moment, and will probably invade Poland before this week is out …

I blame ulygan, whose postings about what sounds like an idyllic existence in rural Scotland make me positively green with envy. Given her last post, I suspect that things are not as rosy as I read them, but it’s inspirational stuff nonetheless.

yesterday we bought bread and cake making books. And last night I popped up to the local village store to buy some dark brown sugar, as all mine had transmogrified into a solid lump. And I took some marg out of the fridge so it would be creamable.

but still no cake has appeared chez Jordan. “There is no excuse”, you all cry. But you haven’t seen The Cupboard. The cupboard where we keep dried fruit and Valrhona choccy chunks and honey and treacle and syrup and glace cherries and nuts and jams and all the other accoutrements of bakery, including the aforementioned huge lump of brown sugar (and icing sugar and caster sugar and granulated sugar and so forth) – never let it be said that I don’t keep full store cupboards. But, *BUT*.

but as soon as you move *anything* in that cupboard, the demons inside move everything else, and it all falls out on top of you. I hate it. We need MORE KITCHEN. And more bookshelves, and more cat space, and more everything. Our stuff > our house.

so if you’re after a nice slice of cake, don’t count on me to provide it. Not before the local bakery opens tomorrow.

what about today, dear?

perlmonger very nobly volunteered to do the Sainsburys run.

Did you get the things we needed?
not a bad effort. 10 bottles of white wine for me (obviously feeling guilty about yesterday’s whisky run), some economy mince for the cats – god forbid they read the label – and five cans of salmon also destined for feline scoffing.

and a nice bunch of flowers and a copy of Panther for me! Installing it on the downstairs iMac (the Panther, not the flowers) as I trype.

didn’t he do well?

what did *I* do? I researched cat links on the web, of course.

as I've often said …

there’s a Fast Show quote for pretty much any occasion. Yesterday’s was:

Did you get the things we needed?
no, but I got a glass teapot, three very expensive bottles of single malt whisky (and one equivalent Kentucky Bourbon), and two organic sirloin steaks at £13, if you please. The alcoholic beverages were for perlmonger, who is fond of a tipple of an evening. He has a wide range of such things, but they all seem to be running out at once. Tragically, I can’t drink whisk(e)y any more – it doesn’t agree with me. Just like coffee and red wine. Life is barely worth living.

we shouldn’t be allowed out, really. Three cookery books, one novel, a haul from the health food shop, and – foolishly – a quick pop into our favourite kitchen shop. And I only wanted some muslin, honest.

in other news, I did some (to me) hideously complicated ColdFusion/mySQL work yesterday that actually functioned as I want it to – even perlmonger was impressed. Surely it’s not possible that I am turning into A Programmer?