from the memory banks … part II

and here’s the rest of this story:

wonderful, eh? And, to add further fun, the Mill Tracking server has buggered its NTS so comprehensively that it now won’t even ping /itself./ And we can’t rebuild it because a) it’s not man enough for the job anyway, and b) it’s running a bespoke app, and nobody knows how to reinstall it and set it up.

the OS/2 “server” [giggle] yesterday started displaying signs of a bad hard disk. It refuses to back itself up, and every chkdsk brings forth new bad clusters – I give it days, frankly. And nobody knows where the OS/2 install disks are, or how to set it up. (this OS dates from 1992, IIRC). And it’s running a Gupta SQL database for OS/2. It’s now become a matter of some urgency to redevelop the application. In Access 8. Oh dear.

today, it transpires that they’ve /lost/ the NT 3.51 CD(s), and so can’t install new printers for those who need them. They have no idea what licenses they have for stuff, or how many people are using said stuff. Their security shares are a mess.

I’m looking for a new contract – when the heads start rolling, I’d like to be well away from the tumbrils.