As regular readers will know, I have recently taken up Morris dancing – it’s huge fun, but I still don’t feel I’m very good at it, so I was a bit “ohmigod” when I realised I’d be part of Rackaback’s first dance out last Sunday!
There was a bit of a mad scurry to find suitable trousers (Tesco – I know, I know, but I was in a hurry), a top hat (£6.79 from Mascerade, and Pete manfully cycled over to Holderness Road to fetch it for me), suitable trimmings, and purple socks; the fabulous Boyes obliged with the latter two – they have a fine selection of ribbons and feathers, and I also bought some splendid purple and black stripy socks there for the princely sum of £1.25.
I perpetrated the minimum of stitching required to affix the plaited ribbon to the hat, and discovered, thankfully, that the trousers would tuck into the socks, so no elasticifcation required.
On the Sunday, Pete and I set off for the Minerva, a waterside pub in Hull, where we did a dance out with some Lincoln Broadsword chaps, and great fun it was too, even if the wind did blow, and the rain did rain a bit. I really enjoyed it, but realised that black trainers Simply Won’t Do, so I’ve bought some second hand Doc Martens on eBay – nobody in their right mind would buy new Docs, as they are a right bugger to wear in.
I’m really enjoying this Morris lark – so glad I took it up.
p.s. Somehow I forgot to publish this, so here it is now 🙂