things come in threes, don't they

I hope that’s true, and that our run of bad luck with things mechanical/electrical is over.

  1. The web servers, requiring us to spend a frantic weekend and bursts of frenetic activity over the next few days while we built new ones
  2. Followed by the car which, as detailed here, shat itself spectacularly at its MOT, with repairs costing pretty much the same price as we paid for it, and meaning we bought a new* one (well, new to us, but 12 years old)
  3. Yesterday, the boiler overheated (are they supposed to do that?). We turned it off for safety’s sake, and to let it cool down, and now we can’t light the pilot, so it worketh not, and it’s bloody cold. I can cope without the central heating – there’s a gas fire in the living room, and we have plenty of blankets and so forth; but there’s NO HOT WATER, which is just horrible. And Pete is off to Finland this morning for five days, and I’m just miserable. And cold.

Could someone please make it stop?

frozen duck?

I just nipped (or popped) to the farm shop at the end of the village (for celery, lemons, bacon, milk and mushrooms, should you care).

and the duck pond is virtually frozen over, and the poor chaps are skidding about all over the shop. It’s not often *that* cold here in the balmy south west; I wonder if we shall get snow …

I aten't dead

should anyone wonder where I’ve been for the past ten days – well, I’m sorry, I have a cold.

I woke up on Sunday 2nd feeling very groo, but I put that down to over-carousing with agc the night before. Mind you, I don’t often suffer with hangovers, but …

on the Monday, I still felt vile, and I hadn’t drunk *that* much on Saturday. 4 a.m. on Tuesday I woke up and couldn’t breath, as my nose was blocked. Things just went downhill from there – earache, cough, sore throat, fever, dizzy spells, and permanent lethargy. I did hardly any work, on a few occasions I collapsed on the sofa *without a laptop*, and I felt extremely ill for a week. I’ve taken Sudafed, Actifed, Lemsip max, paracetemol, ibuprofen, Lucozade (aren’t all these things expensive?!). I haven’t had a drink in 11 days, apart from one tiny medicinal whisky on 3 April.

I’m just starting to feel better today – not well, but better – and now perlmonger seems to be coming down with it.
