goodbye, Bada

look at me – I’m *cute*
Originally uploaded by ramtops

What a roller coaster – yesterday morning the vet phoned and said she was “feistier” and taking her food through a tube.

We allowed ourselves, at last, to begin to feel optomistic, and arranged to go and see her at 6.30, when we were confronted with a small cat on the edge of death. She wasn’t accepting her food through the tube at all, was vomiting, wasn’t drinking, had an ulcerated tongue, and was generally as ill as she possibly could be. The vet was clearly surprised that she had a) slipped back, and b) slipped back so fast.

We took the only decision we could – we let her go. And we will miss her joy and her nibblous tail more than I can say.

Good hunting, Liessa …

progress of a sort

Well, she survived the night. The vet nurse said she really didn’t expect her to, and that she was probably two hours away from death.

She’s not out of the wood yet, as they keep stressing, but her fluid levels are much better, she’s having antibiotics through her IV, her temperature is up to normal (she was very cold), and she’s now taking high calorie food through a nose tube. We’ve just been over to see her, and she looks dreadful, but possibly marginally less dreadful than she did yesterday. I don’t think she really noticed we were there, but I’m glad we went. They’ll phone us if there’s any change for the worse tonight, or if not, then tomorrow morning.

Oh, and of course, they’re all in love with her. People always are.

While we were up in the Gloucester Road area, I went into Brewers Droop (isn’t that a great name?!) and got the rest of the winemaking kit I need, having picked up a Freecycled lot earlier this week. Popped into Maplins for a couple of USB sticks for a potential project and popped straight back out – £14.99 fpr 2Gb!

Fish pie and a very early night for us – we’re both exhausted.

update on Bada

Her mouth is heaps better – the steroids did the job they were supposed to.

However, she has an appalling cold/flu thing, which is what’s making her
so poorly. Lilith has been sneezing, and with Liessa’s lowered immune
system, it went for her like a train.

The vet has given us palatable antibiotics, but as she won’t *eat*, I’m
not sure what we’re going to do there. I’m trying all sorts of things –
marmite, pilchards, ham; but she can’t smell, so nothing appeals. I shall
be cooking some fresh fish later, but it’s a bit alarming.

Cost to date: £556.

keep paws x-ed

I phoned the emergency vet who saw Bada last week, and they seemed rather concerned that she is not improving. In fact, as today has gone on, I would say she has got worse …

So we shall take her to see Judith’s replacement at 4.45 – I don’t want to drag her over to Zetland in the rush hour, and he will have access to all the notes, as they are part of the same practice.

:: worried

p.s. at last I have a Bada icon.