random playlist memage

like perlmonger, I just fired up a random playlist in iTunes and this is what it gave me (unlike him, I didn’t filter the list, mind you!>

Epitaph part 1 / Charles Mingue / The Complete Town Hall Concert
Nach De Punjabi / Shin G. C. / Bombay Beats
Nobody’s Child / The Traveling Wilburys / The Travel Wilburys, vol 2
Anach Cuain / Paul Dooley / Rip the Calico
Fantasy / Earth Wind & Fire / The Collection
Einleitung “So wahr der Herr, de Gott Israels lebel” / Mendelssohn / Elias
I wish it Would Rain / Nancy Griffith / From a Distance
Save Some For Thee / Family / Fearless
Ma-Ma-Ma Belle / ELO / Greatest Hits
We Can Work It Out / Stevie Wonder / At the Close of the Century


nicked from drpete, and I didn’t cheat at all, honest!

You have cat eyes. If you’re irritated about
something, people would automatically know,
whether looking in your eyes or analyzing your
body language. You may have other subtle ways
of letting people know how you feel. You hate
to be bothered, and prefer not to deal with so
many people. That’s what makes you a bit of a
solitude person. You can have fun when you want
though. That’s what makes you interesting.

What Animal Eyes Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your weasel is the Marbled Polecat!
Your weasel is the Marbled Polecat. Never heard of
them? Well, they’re beautiful, live in northern
Asia and are very rare. Did we mention the good
Good news: A rather attractive and unique looking
mustelid. All the bluster of the big boys but
much finer outfitting.
Bad news: Well, no one has heard of you for a
REASON. You’re endangered, buddy, like a lot of
other weasels. You just don’t get the press
those darn prarie ferrets get.

Which weasel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


parsnip soup

gently saute one roughly chopped large onion, and some chopped garlic (how much is up to you) in a large lump of butter – about 50g – for about five minutes. Do this in a large saucepan to save washing up.

grind up some cumin seeds, coriander seeds, turmeric and fenugreek in a pestle and mortar, or I suppose you could cheat and use curry powder. Sling this in with the onion and garlic and stir it about.

add about 2 pints (yes, I know, but I can’t really do metric volume) of vegetable stock, and bring to the boil. Then add some creamed coconut – I cut about a 1″ block from the bar, and chopped it up.

peel and slice about 500g of parsnips, and sling them in too. Bring it all back to the boil, and simmer for 20 minutes or so, or until the parsnips are soft.

then put the lot through a liquidiser, reheat, and enjoy. We ate it with onion/poppy seed bagels and cream cheese. And very nice it was too.

my evening meal

last night was another risotto – prawn, chili and ginger, one of our favourites. I went to the fridge to find some salad leaves to accompany it and, inexplicably, there were none. I blame the kittens – they eat *everything*.

the closest I could find to salad was spinach, so I took several handfuls, washed it well, then dumped it in a frying pan with all its water, splashed some honegar* on it, and cooked it very quickly, stirring all the while, until it wilted. Then I mixed it into the risotto and served it.

*highly* recommended.

*honegar – found in Waitrose last week, a mixture of wine vinegar and Vermont honey. I can’t remember the last time I bought a prepared salad dressing, but this caught our eye, and very nice it is too.