
we went to Ikea in Bristol (henceforth known as Ikeal, due to the quaint Brissle habit of adding an “l” to the end of words) last night, for the second time this week. And we carefully checked via their sooper dooper whizzy telephonised computerised stock enquiry system wossit just before we left, to make sure that what we wanted was in stock (it was, apparently). So we embarked on a 20 mile round trip across the city, only to find out – well, you knew it was coming, didn’t you?

when we asked a droid when there might be stock, he said that there would be a delivery “at the end of the working week”. So we asked when exactly that was – Saturday, Sunday, he shrugged. All depends; he didn’t say on what. And if we wanted to make a complaint, we’d have to go to Customer “Services”. Incidentally, I peered at his computer screen, and there were supposed to be 15 in stock.

so off to Customer “Services” we trundle, as Pete was in a mood to be bolshy. Have you ever been to Ikeal Customer “Services”? This is where people have to return things they’ve discovered they didn’t actually want to buy after all, and it seem to me that Ikeal make that as bloody difficult as they possibly can, to discourage people. And is there a position just for enquiries? You guessed it.

we waited 35 minutes to be told yes, there should be 15 in stock, but he’d been to check, and there weren’t any. So they would have to “zeroise” (lovely word) the stock, which would be done overnight. But not necessarily that night, oh no. And when it had been “zeroized” (it might be spelt with a “z”, I suppose), it would automatically be reordered. No, he didn’t know how long it would take for new stock to come in. No, he couldn’t arrange to have some put aside for us. He suggested that we phone their sooper dooper whizzy telephonised computerised stock enquiry system wossit every sodding day until stock came in. So clearly, the first droid was a lying cnut, whose main aim was to make us go away.

we sighed, and went home, pausing only to attempt to fit a Billy bookcase into the Discovery (turns out the Xantia has more carrying space, believe it or not). It went in, but Pete had to crouch on the little seat at the back, while I drove with one hand trying to stop the bookcase from decapitating me.

and this morning, I phoned the sooper dooper whizzy telephonised computerised stock enquiry system wossit at Ikea Birmingham, and trusted it when it said it had stock. So I trundled up to Wednesbury, braving the M6 (isn’t that a horrid place to brave?), and lo and behold – stock was there! So now we can sort out the bedroom. Except I’m too bloody knackered to actually do it now.

codepope mentioned that Tom Cruise is doing a remake of War of the Worlds. Leaving aside the horror that this entails, I now have that bloody Jeff Wayne music going round and round my head, not helped by various “friends” on IRC going:

[Dj]Dun dun dun
[Dj] diddle da diddle da
[pete] yet another fscking million to one chance
[Dj] Oooooooh the chances of anything coming from mars were a million to one theeeeeeeeeey said…
[agc] diddle diddle diddle dee dee doo dee dee doo dee dee ddo dum
[Dj] But still they come
[Dj] EEEEEEEEEEEEEyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

I hate you all.

why are elderly drivers unable to reverse? Twice in the past four days, I’ve encountered ancient ones at the wheels of vehicles which, quite plainly, they shouldn’t be driving, as they are pathologically unable to find reverse gear.

keep death off the roads, I say, and ban ’em all.

high on the list of things you don’t want to hear at 5:05 on a Sunday morning is the sound of the UPSs beeping.

all the power in the house gone off, for a reason we haven’t yet fathomed (which is scarey). So time required to check everything, power it back one by one, then return to bed with a bucket of tea (for me), and an espresso for Pete. And I didn’t really get back to sleep properly.


I passed the aquar^H^H water garden centre today, and popped in to have a look. Well, actually, I popped in to ask where their main (as in not for ponds and stuff) garden centre is. They told me. It was shut by the time I got there.

however, I foolishly stopped to look at the fish, and they had these really cute black koi. Anyone who knows me will know I am fond of black, and so I bought three. I really, really must not impulse buy fish again – the pond willnae take it, cap’n.

but they’re very nice 🙂