chickpea and vegetable tagine

Sorry for the lack of posts – too much work, combined with end of year accounts and VAT return due – and the new freezer due for delivery at the end of this week (hurrah!) has meant that we are eating out of the freezer, mostly. It’s stuff we’ve cooked and frozen, but not very exciting to write about.

Anyway, we had a running about day on Saturday, so I thought I’d do a slow cooker thing for when we got home. I soaked a stack of chickpeas on Thursday night, and slow cooked them on Friday in readiness.

Then on Saturday morning, I fried up a chopped onion in olive oil, while Pete roasted and ground some spices (cumin, coriander, allspice, and can’t remember what else). I whizzed up some garlic, fresh ginger and a red chilli and added that to the pan, then added a chopped up aubergine and yellow pepper to the pan (both of which were getting close to their end), together with the spices, and stirred it about until the veg were all softened and coated with spices.

Into the slow cooker they went with the chickpeas and some vegetable bouillon, and out we went. When we came back, I sneaked a little taste and it was very hot – the chilli was mild so I left the seeds in, and it was a tad vicious. I soaked some dried apricots in boiling water for ten minutes, and hurled them in, and added a little honey, then we rushed off out again.

That sweetness made all the difference – ’twas lovely.

One thought on “chickpea and vegetable tagine”

  1. I am glad you are enjoying your slow cooker. I love mine. I will be doing a chili in mine this week.

    I never thought about doing a tagine (why, I don’t know) in the slow cooker. I will keep this in mind! 🙂

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