how convenient

our local domain here is All the machine and routers and cameras and Things are named after Discworld characters and places – at some point, if anyone cares, I’ll do a (almost certainly non-definitive) list*.

my main machine is Weatherwax, a dual G5 2.5Ghz Mac – her original hard drive is named Cottage. Yesterday perlmonger fitted another 250Gb drive in her, which I’m sorry to relate I named Privy. And this afternoon I moved the iTunes library into the privy.

for some extremely juvenile reason, I find that quite entertaining.

if you’ve never read any Terry Pratchett, none of the above will make any sense whatsoever, so don’t worry your pretty little heads.

*perlmonger informs me that we currently have 44 Discworld names assigned to the LAN. That is *so* depressing …

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