in the cupboard

being tired and hungry, we thought we’d have some porridge this morning, so I found the box with the oats in, and bung the requisite amounts of them, the milk and the water into a bowl, and placed it in the microwave.

and only then noticed that the bag said “best before April 03”. How bad could it be, I thought? When they were cooked, they didn’t smell very appetising, to be honest; so perlmonger had a rummage in the cupboard where we keep such things, and emerged triumphantly waving another bag of porridge oats.

“best before 2000”, it said.

so we’re still hungry.

4 thoughts on “in the cupboard”

  1. Rancid oats are eeeeeeeeeeewww!!!
    I like to have Oatso Simple porridge for my breakfast, but in our new building there are no microwaves and no hobs, so there goes that. Poo.

  2. *giggle* glad it’s not just me that has out of date things that suddenly appear in my cupboard when I think ‘surely I only just bought that…’

  3. This weekend I saw someone tidying their kitchen ready for a flat move and throwing out popcorn labelled as “Dec 2005”.

    Surprisingly they threw it out because it was “too old”, not because it was evil chavfood (nasty popcorn, not the concept itself) or because it was 90% salt and would probably have kept perfectly through a nuclear winter.

    I can understand pitching nice food for being past its prime, but this was desperation cupboard stock for consumption only when blind drunk anyway.

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