let's dismantle some more of our civil liberties, shall we?

RECORDS of all criminal convictions and cautions will remain on police files for 100 years after chief constables overturned the principle that offences can be “spent”, The Times has learnt. …

Some six million criminal convictions, including cautions and minor offences already on record, will now be kept for life.

more from The Times

and after hearing some oily Home Office minister on the Home Service this morning trying to justify keeping juvenile’s DNA records when the samples had been taken in cases of mistaken identity … How I hate what this country is becoming.

One thought on “let's dismantle some more of our civil liberties, shall we?”

  1. Oh jolly good. I look forward to a kicking from the men with truncheons when the decision is taken that those with a caution are no longer tolerated in society.

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