more evidence

as if it were needed, here is more evidence of my increasing age …

The Veteran
You scored 84%!
You’ve picked up the majority of the classic rock basics. You probably
have a classic rock collection and can sing along with most of the
songs on your local radio station.
This is not the highest score, but it is arguably the best: that subtle combination of impressive knowledge and not being a pretentious geek.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 40% on notes

Link: The BASIC classic rock Test written by allmydays on Ok Cupid

9 thoughts on “more evidence”

  1. Tee hee – I got 90% despite not being a fan of most of the bands but having to spend up to 5 hours every Saturday playing them!

  2. Ho, well 66%. Which is not too suprising, as Springsteen etc is not an area of music I’ve really got into. Not helped by being brought up in a household that thought such music was rubbish. Mind you, Classical was felt to be Highbrow rubbish. So, during the most important phase fo my young life it was an enforced diet of Tom Jones, Englebert Humperdink (sp?) and such bland nonsense.


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