2 thoughts on “put this somewhere safe”

  1. But does it get you to the *right* human?

    It’s a nice idea but IMHO it needs a bit of tuning. Where the automatic system quickly gets you to a person in the right department, it’s a lot faster to use it than fight it.

    OTOH, when the thing is designed by a moron, and many many are, you need a fast out. See the steam coming out of my ears when I’ve tried to contact one card company. The system insists you type your 16-digit card number in to the phone. So you do – then you get a person – who asks you your card number! Equally annoying, however, are the real live person operators who answer the phone, discuss at length what you want, take down your details – then put you through to someone else. Do they also pass on all your details, and the subject of the call? Do they buggery.

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