an early start

two forms of air transport
Originally uploaded by ramtops

The alarm went off at stupid o’clock this morning, and although we were very tempted to say “soddit”, we did actually struggle out of bed.

5.45 a.m. saw us setting off to Ashton Court at the other end of the village, to see the Mass Ascent at the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta. Despite having lived here for 9 years, this is the first time we’ve actually done this, as we are normally elsewhere the second weekend in August.

I’m so glad we went – it was a beautiful morning, sunny and warm, and spectacular balloony things all over the place. Half of Bristol was there, I think!

If we have the energy (and that’s a big if, as we’ve already done about 5 miles today, and my arthritis is complaining), we might go back for the Night Glow this evening.

And tomorrow, that Lunnon, to see Show of Hands in Regents Park. Which is nice.