weekend 14/15 july 07

Saturday dawned, and we felt rather lethargic … took ourselves over to North Street for brunch at Ceiturica, and did health food shops and greengrocers. Sadly butcher was closed, so no bacon or black pudding 🙁 Trawled the many charidee shops for HarryStuff but nothing forthcoming (unlike Dursley last Thursday!).

lunch was roasted seabass for perlmonger and skewered lamb and chicken for me – both delicious, as always. Then into Aldl (or is it Lidi?) for some waffer thin meat for the tribe and some fizzing water.

popped home with the shopping, then got back in the car and drove to Chippenham, where the always lovely purple-peril was hosting her annual bash. Very nice time indeed (thanks hon!), but we crawled away at 8, after drinking ourselves silly on water, as we were just Too Tired.

Sunday morning brought a visit from Heather, who provoked some rather startling behaviour from Lilith; she handed over the relevant files, and I am now Official Secretary to the village Footpath User Group …

We got going relatively early for that, and perlmonger gave the living room a rather overdue vacuum, while I baked some blueberry muffins to offer Heather. When she’d left, we sat and watched Jeckyll, which is glorious hokum, then returned to working on the rebuilding of Nibblous, which has been eating our spare time this last week or two. Dinner was pan fried duck (why do they call it that?), with fennel and carrots braised in chicken stock, potatoes roasted in olive oil, and braised shallots in red wine.

and, just in case anyone cares, www.nibblous.com is now finished and up – we think it is much improved.

13 thoughts on “weekend 14/15 july 07”

  1. Re Nibblous – is there a way I can get it to show me all the articles (i.e. not recipes) sorted chronologically?

      1. Re: nibb’lous

        ’tis fine, thanks — I’ll click around randomly and see what I get 🙂

        Oh, an idea — could there be a “view a random recipe” link, or a random recipe of the day, or something like that?

          1. Re: nibb’lous

            Favouriting (is that a word?) — the link to click on is called “add to shopping bag”, yet when you click it, it changes to talking about favourites. It’s a bit inconsistent.

            (Let me know if you want me to stop pointing out stuff like this.)

        1. Re: nibb’lous

          well, there’s loads of ways to get to things – tag cloud, search, etc. But I have a volunteer looking to do stuff like that, when I get time to code it!

      1. Re: nibb’lous

        No probs. I’ve added a couple of old recipes to it – as you’ve seen – and linked to it from my newish blog. Looks like a grand idea.

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