weekend 15/16 mar 08

thereby hangs a tail
Originally uploaded by ramtops

After the shopping trip, we continued with Project Organise (aided and abetted by various members of the Tribe. Here you can see Aliss helping with the white cupboard reorganisation.

We did quite well, but then disaster struck. We opened some wine, left iTunes on random, then forgot to eat. Thus, Sunday was a bit of a write off – much groaning, and no sorting of the pulse cupboard, nor the area under the stairs. Bad. We had scrambled eggs on sourdough for breakfast, which helped, but not enough.

Still, I caught up with 4 episodes of Shameless, and then we did 3 West Wings in the evening. Dinner was a casserole from the freezer, with roast spuds, and carrots and cauliflower in veg stock, and I’m surprised we managed that, to be honest.

Self inflicted, so no sympathy.

One thought on “weekend 15/16 mar 08”

  1. But did you have *fun* drinking wine and leaving iTunes on random? I do think it’s better not to regret these things.

    Personally, I have never lost an entire day just due to iTunes, so I think the wine was probably more of the culprit.

    And I love the fact that the folk club is on Sundays, so I rarely drink enough to affect the following day.

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