weekend 12/13 september 08

There was a trip to Costco.

There was – hurrah – the putting to bed of the draft Long Ashton Parish Plan which, somehow, I got conned in to chairing and producing.

There was a really quite spectacular vegetable tagine.

There was an audit of the inside freezer – outside one will follow next week.

There was pork with rhubarb for Sunday lunch (disgorged from the freezer), and perlmonger‘s home made bread with cheese for supper, and choc chip buns.

P managed to mow the grass, thus evicting the small tribe of pygmies who had taken up residence down by the water butt. We got *all the laundry* washed and dried outside.

And we finished S3 of Babylon 5, and had to watch the first 2 episodes of S4 because I couldn’t bear to go to bed without knowing what happened.

And now it’s Monday *again* – how does that happen every week?