And so it begins

Thanks to a tip from syllopsium (on IRC – don’t scurry off to his LJ), I have ordered the boxed set of Babylon 5 from Amazon for the princely sum of £78.97.

I’ve never really watched it, and I suspect I will not be a fan, but perlmonger is a huge fan, and it’s for him. Means we can clear dozens of VHS tapes off the top of the bookshelves too 🙂

Also ordered – West Wing S7. We have one DVD left from S5, so the end is in sight.

hello dear – did you get the things we needed? (an occasional series)

We sallied forth to the Eye Hospididdle this afternoon for perlmonger‘s occasional checkup. No doubt he will tell you himself at some point, but they don’t want to see him any more unless he has another attack of something MSish, and they say his sight is improving steadily in the afflicted eye. Which is nice (this is an understatement).

The EH is convenient located smack in the middle of Broadmead, the main shopping area in Bristol; a place we never go if it can be avoided, because it is vile. However, we took the opportunity to purchase such exciting things as bath creme, and shower gel, and underpants for Pete (lets not go *there*, ok?), and some face flannels.

And four DVDS (The Queen, V for Vendetta, Goodfellas and Children of Men), two books* (Making Money, the new Discworld, and Double Vision by Tricia Sullivan). And a really nice moss green Per Una top from M&S.

Lunch was a nice steak pasty from the Specialist Pasty Shop, or whatever they’re called, which I shall now go and record on Photocena. And supper is sossidge, which is always good, followed by home made strawberry cheesecake.

*only 2 books? Well, yes – as I currently have 12 books on the actual, physical, to-read heap, and loads more marked in our database that I want to get to.