a good day for free speech

from the Independent:

Environmental campaigners seeking to stage a protest at Heathrow airport this summer claimed a huge and symbolic victory yesterday after a High Court judge massively scaled back the terms of an injunction sought against them.


Meanwhile, in a separate victory for free speech, the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, dismissed an appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions that could have seen the Parliament Square anti-war protester Brian Haw restricted in his right to protest.

This doesn’t happen nearly often enough, of course, but we can celebrate it nonetheless.

good news for the Chagos islanders

and bad, bad news for the Government, who have had their wrists severely slapped by the Court of Appeal. I suggest the Chagosians get a move on, before Margaret Bikkit petitions the Law Lords directly.

more from the Indy here.

now remind me again why we need an independent judiciary … (Department of Justice, indeed [spit]).