things to wake up to

both 4 lbs of Dexter beef was turned into perlmonger‘s fab chilli yesterday afternoon. I did the prep while he was at the gym – cooked down celery, carrots and onion, and browned all the beef. We were organised enough (!) to have put dried kidney and borlotti beans in to soak, so I’d boiled them up too.

as usual, we left it cooking overnight on a very low oven, so woke to the smell. Chili for breakfast, anyone?we heard an all too familiar squeaking last night soon after we went to bed, so it was inevitable that somewhere there would be a dead thing. And thus there was a small, deceased rodent just beside my side of the bed. How I missed it while somnabulating to the bathroom in the night, $deity alone knows. perlmonger has dealt with it. Wonder what the rest of the week will throw at us …